Dakota Stone is a Washington REALTOR?
who is an affiliated licensee / sales associate of
Century 21 North Homes Realty, and is completely
dedicated to assisting every home buyer and seller
achieve their goals by providing top-quality service
and expertise that produce top-quality results.
Dakota is passionate about the Washington
economy and knows that becoming a successful
REALTOR?, and building a large network of
long-lasting and rapport-based relationships will help
promote not only jobs and revenue, but will also help
produce prosperous and thriving communities.
Dakota's biggest passions in real estate are
helping convert renters into first-time home buyers,
and to help people that only make money through
active income begin their journey of obtaining passive
income from investment properties to provide them
more financial freedom and stability. One change he
would love to see in general in the current education
system is teaching high schoolers and even college
students much more about the aspects of owning a
home, what is required to obtain one, and promotion
of financial intelligence through more teaching about
real estate investing and other forms of making a profit
off of real estate that are present today that have the
potential to provide a substantial amount of financial
stability for each individual.
By joining the real estate industry Dakota is absolutely
determined to give back to the community that
inspired him and helped him develop in any way he